Sharing is caring! (V.1) (分享是关怀-Fēnxiǎng shì guānhuái)

What is Tone?(什么是音?)

什么是音? 音是拼音的一部分。 如果你正在学习汉语,你可能知道什么是拼音。 这个星期,我的老师(老师)教我什么是语调,怎样发音。 这里我会附上色调图。 这将有助于你了解音调的发音。
Tone graph

1)第一口气 - 平坦
2)二调 - 上涨(你好奇)
3)第三种音调 - 向下和向上(尽可能以非常低的音调开始)
4)第四声 - 光(你的声音在尖叫)


What is Tone? Tone is a part of pinyin. If you currently studying Chine Language, you might know what is Pinyin. This week, my lao shi ( teacher) teached me what is tone about and how to pronounce tone. Here I will attached Tone graph. It will help you to understand the pronunciation  of tone.

For your reference:

1) First tone      - flat
2)Second tone  -  going up ( you curios about something)
3)Third tone     -  down and up (started with very low tone as you can)
4)Fourth Tone  - light (its sound like you are screaming) 

Good Luck!


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