How to learn any language in six months | Chris Lonsdale | TEDxLingnanUniversity (注释 [ Zhùshì])

How to learn any language in six months | Chris Lonsdale | TEDxLingnanUniversity (注释 [ Zhùshì])


        在短时间内学习任何语言的方法有很多,但没有任何意愿,这是不可能发生的。 学习我在这个YouTube视频中找到的任何语言有5个原则和7个行动。 这五项原则是关注与我们相关的语言内容,使用您的语言作为沟通的工具,当您第一次了解信息时,您无意中获得了语言,生理训练和心理生理状态问题。 此外,人们需要做的7件事情是倾听大量的意见,重点是先取得意义,然后开始混合。 此外,你需要关注核心,获得一个语言家长,复制面部和“直接连接”的心理形象。 因此,用你的坚持和渴望,你将能够在短时间内学习这种语言。 


My comments:

       There are many ways to learn any language in short space of time but without desire it can't be happen. There are 5 principles and 7 actions to learn any language that I found in this youtube video. The 5 principles are focus on the language content that relevant for us, use your language as a tool to communicate from time to time, when you first understand the message, you are unconsiously acquired the language, physiological training and psycho- physiological state matters. Furthermore, there are 7 actions that people need to do which are listen a lot, focus on getting the meaning first (before the words) and  start mixing. Moreover, you need to focus on the core, get a language parent, copy the face and "direct connect" to the mental images. Therefore, with the your persistence and desire, you will be able to learn this language in the short space of time.

Thank you.谢谢(tie-xie)


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