Welcome! 欢迎 (Huānyíng)

Welcome! 欢迎 (Huānyíng)

亲爱的 Emma,

           您好 Emma! 你和你的家人好吗? 我希望你对你的家人绝对好。 我意识到自从我们上次见面已经很久了。

          多么惊人的三个月! 我昨天刚刚注册了中文课。 学习这门语言我感觉很好。 其实我的目的(妙不可目的)是为了我未来的准备。 我们知道,在工作环境中有很多中国人。 因此,我认为这对我有好处,因为我可以毫无疑问地与他们交流。 我承诺(承诺承诺)要注意并且始终关注课堂。 如果我每天至少要学习3-5个单词,并且想和中国人交流来掌握这个主题,我想我可以在这3-4个月里学习中文。

     我认为今天就是这样。 我希望我能在这个三个月里掌握这个主题,祝我好运! 再见。


Dear Emma,

Hello Emma! How are you and your family? I hope you are absolutely fine with your family. I realize that it has been long time since we met last time.

What a amazing trimester! I just registered for Chinese class yesterday. I feel great to learn this language. Actually, my purpose(Mubiao 目标/mudi 目的) to take this subject is a preparation for my future. As we know, there a lot of Chinese in working environment. Hence, I think it is beneficial for me as I can communicate with them without any doubts! I promise (Chengnuo 承诺) to pay attention and always attend to the class. I think I could learn Chinese language during these 3-4 months if I always learn at least 3-5 words a day and try to communicate with Chinese to master this subject.

I think that's all for today. I hope I can master this subject in this trimester and wish me luck! See you again .

Your truly friend,


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