阅读理解 (Yuèdú lǐjiě) reading comprehension [V.4]

马大为星期天常常跟林娜去商场。那个商场很大,东西(dōngxi. things)也很多。他们在那儿买音乐光盘,王小云也在。马大为喜欢中国音 乐。他问王小云,什么音乐光盘好?王小云说《梁祝》很有名,外国朋友也 喜欢。马大为很高兴,说:"好,我买这张光盘,"马大为还要买书和报,这 个商场不卖(mai )书,也不卖报。他跟王小云去买本子和笔(bD4 马大为还常常去书店(shūdiàn)。那个书店也很大,书很多。他在书店 买书,也看书。中国书不贵。下月二十号是他弟弟的生日。他弟弟喜欢中 国功夫(gongfu),马大为要送弟弟一本《中国功夫》

Mǎ dà wéi xīngqítiān chángcháng gēn línnà qù shāngchǎng. Nàgè shāngchǎng hěn dà, dōngxī (dōngxi. Things) yě hěnduō. Tāmen zài nà'er mǎi yīnyuè guāngpán, wángxiǎoyún yě zài. Mǎ dà wéi xǐhuān zhōngguó yīn lè. Tā wèn wángxiǎoyún, shénme yīnyuè guāngpán hǎo? Wángxiǎoyún shuō “liángzhù” hěn yǒumíng, wàiguó péngyǒu yě xǐhuān. Mǎ dà wéi hěn gāoxìng, shuō:"Hǎo, wǒ mǎi zhè zhāng guāngpán,"mǎ dà wéi hái yāomǎishū hé bào, zhè gè shāngchǎng bù mài (mai) shū, yě bù mài bào. Tā gēn wángxiǎoyún qù mǎi běnzi hé bǐ (bD4 mǎ dà wéi hái chángcháng qù shūdiàn (shūdiàn). Nàgè shūdiàn yě hěn dà, shū hěnduō. Tā zài shūdiàn mǎi shū, yě kànshū. Zhōngguó shū bù guì. Xià yuè èrshí hào shì tā dìdì de shēngrì. Tā dìdì xǐhuān zhōngguó gōngfū (gongfu), mǎ dà wéi yào sòng dìdì yī běn “zhōngguó gōngfū”

Ma Sunday is often with Lin Na to the mall. That mall is large, things (dōngxi. Things) are also many. Where they buy music CD, Wang Xiaoyun also. Ma Da likes Chinese music. He asked Wang Xiaoyun, what music CD is good? Wang Xiaoyun said that "Liangzhu" is famous, and foreign friends also like it. MA was very happy and said: "Well, I bought this CD," Ma also want to buy books and newspapers, the mall does not sell (mai) books, nor sell newspapers. He and Wang Xiaoyun to buy the book and pen .This bookstore is also large, a lot of books.He bought a book in the bookstore, but also read a book.Chinese book is not expensive.The next month on the 20th is his Brother's birthday.His brother likes China's Gongfu (gongfu), MaDa want to send his brother a "Chinese Kung Fu"

阅读理解 (Yuèdú lǐjiě) reading comprehension [V.3]

宋华是经济(jingji)系的学生,北京人,1982年出生。今年十月二十 七日是他二十岁的生日。星期天下午,他的好朋友们有一个聚会,王小 云、林娜、丁力波和马大为都来祝贺他的生日。他们在北京烤鸭店 (diàn, store)吃烤鸭和寿面,喝红葡萄酒。朋友们祝宋华生日快乐,宋 华非常高兴。 林娜的生日是十一月十二号。宋华说那天他们再来吃寿面和烤鸭

Sòng huá shì jīngjì (jingji) xì de xuéshēng, běijīng rén,1982 nián chūshēng. Jīnnián shí yuè èrshíqī rì shì tā èrshí suì de shēngrì. Xīngqítiān xiàwǔ, tā de hǎo péngyǒumen yǒu yīgè jùhuì, wángxiǎoyún, línnà, dīnglì bō hé mǎ dà wéi dōu lái zhùhè tā de shēngrì. Tāmen zài běijīng kǎoyā diàn (diàn, store) chī kǎoyā héshòu miàn, hē hóng pútáojiǔ. Péngyǒumen zhù sòng huá shēngrì kuàilè, sòng huá fēicháng gāoxìng. Línnà de shēngrì shì shíyī yuè shí'èr hào. Sòng huá shuō nèitiān tāmen zàilái chī shòu miàn hé kǎoyā

Song Hua is a student of the Department of Economics, Beijing, born in 1982. October 27 this year is his twentieth birthday. On Sunday afternoon, his best friends had a party. Wang Xiaoyun, Lin Na, Ding Li Bo and Ma Dawei both congratulated him on his birthday. They eat roast duck and life noodles and drink red wine in the Beijing duck restaurant. Friends wish Song Hua happy birthday, Song Hua very happy. Linna's birthday is November 12th. Song Hua said that day they eat pasta and roast duck

阅读理解 (Yuèdú lǐjiě) reading comprehension [V.2]

他们是不是学生?是,他们都是语言学院的学生。你不认识他们,我 介绍一下。他.们都有中国姓,有中文名字。这是林娜,她是英国(Yingguó) 人。他是美国人,他姓马,他的中文名字很有意思,叫大为。他叫丁力波, 爸爸是加拿大人,妈妈是中国人,他是加拿大人。马大为的专业是文学, 丁力波的专业是美术。现在他们都学习汉语。 那是语言学院的汉语老师:女老师姓陈,男老师姓杨(Yang) 他们 都是汉语系的老师,也都是中国人。张教授也是语言学院的老师,他很 忙。你看,这是张教授的名片。 田小姐不是老师,她是语言学院的医生。

Tāmen shì bùshì xuéshēng? Shì, tāmen dōu shì yǔyán xuéyuàn de xuéshēng. Nǐ bù rènshì tāmen, wǒ jièshào yīxià. Tā.Men dōu yǒu zhòng guó xìng, yǒu zhòng wén míngzì. Zhè shì línnà, tā shì yīngguó (Yingguó) rén. Tā shì měiguó rén, tā xìng mǎ, tā de zhōngwén míngzì hěn yǒuyìsi, jiào dà wéi. Tā jiào dīnglì bō, bàba shì jiānádà rén, māmā shì zhōngguó rén, tā shì jiānádà rén. Mǎ dà wéi de zhuānyè shì wénxué, dīnglì bō de zhuānyè shì měishù. Xiànzài tāmen dōu xuéxí hànyǔ. Nà shì yǔyán xuéyuàn de hànyǔ lǎoshī: Nǚ lǎoshī xìng chén, nán lǎoshī xìng yáng (Yang) tāmen dōu shì hànyǔ xì de lǎoshī, yě dū shì zhōngguó rén. Zhāng jiàoshòu yěshì yǔyán xuéyuàn de lǎoshī, tā hěn máng. Nǐ kàn, zhè shì zhāng jiàoshòu de míngpiàn. Tián xiǎojiě bùshì lǎoshī, tā shì yǔyán xuéyuàn de yīshēng.

Are they students? Yes, they are all students of the Language Institute. You do not know them, let me introduce. He has Chinese name and Chinese name. This is Linna, she is Yingguó. He is an American, his name is Ma, his Chinese name is very interesting, great. His name is Ding Li Bo, father is Canadian, mother is Chinese, he is Canadian. MA Dawei's major is literature, Ding Libo's major is art. Now they all learn Chinese. It was a language teacher's Chinese teacher: female teacher surnamed Chen, male teacher surnamed Yang (Yang) They are all Chinese language teachers, are also Chinese. Professor Zhang is also a language teacher, he is very busy. You see, this is Professor Zhang's business card. Miss Tian is not a teacher, she is a language college doctor.

阅读理解 (Yuèdú lǐjiě) reading comprehension [V.1]

丁力波是加拿大学生。他家有五口人:爸爸、妈妈、哥哥、弟弟和他。 他妈妈姓丁,叫丁云,是中国人。他爸爸叫古波,是加拿大人。二十年 (nián, year)前(qián, ago)古波在加拿大认识丁云,那时候,丁云学习英语 (Yingyǔ , English),古波学习汉语0 现在丁云和古波都是汉语教授。他们有三个男孩子(háizi),没有女 孩子。现在丁力波和他哥哥、弟弟都在北京(Beijing )o丁力波是语言学院 的学生,他学习汉语。他很喜欢语言学院。语言学院不太大,有十二个系。 汉语系有一百个中国老师,学生都是外国人。外语系的学生是中国人,外 语系有很多外国老师。丁力波的中国朋友都是外语系的学生0丁力波的 哥哥学习历史专业,他,弟弟的专业是经济(ing)。 他们的外婆(wàipó)也在北京。他们常常(chángcháng, often)去外婆 家,他们很爱外婆。

Dīnglì bō shì jiānádà xuéshēng. Tā jiā yǒu wǔ kǒu rén: Bàba, māmā, gēgē, dìdì hé tā. Tā māmā xìng dīng, jiào dīng yún, shì zhōngguó rén. Tā bàba jiào gǔ bō, shì jiānádà rén. Èrshí nián (nián, year) qián (qián, ago) gǔ bō zài jiānádà rèn shí dīng yún, nà shíhòu, dīng yún xuéxí yīngyǔ (Yingyǔ, English), gǔ bō xuéxí hànyǔ 0 xiànzài dīng yún hé gǔ bō dōu shì hànyǔ jiàoshòu. Tāmen yǒusān gè nán háizi (háizi), méiyǒu nǚ háizi. Xiànzài dīnglì bō hé tā gēgē, dìdì dōu zài běijīng (Beijing)o dīnglì bō shì yǔyán xuéyuàn de xuéshēng, tā xuéxí hànyǔ. Tā hěn xǐhuān yǔyán xuéyuàn. Yǔyán xuéyuàn bù tài dà, yǒu shí'èr gè xì. Hànyǔ xì yǒu yībǎi gè zhōngguó lǎoshī, xuéshēng dōu shì wàiguó rén. Wàiyǔ xì de xuéshēng shì zhōngguó rén, wàiyǔ xì yǒu hěnduō wàiguó lǎoshī. Dīnglì bō de zhōngguó péngyǒu dōu shì wàiyǔ xì de xuéshēng 0 dīnglì bō dí gēgē xuéxí lìshǐ zhuānyè, tā, dìdì de zhuānyè shì jīngjì (ing). Tāmen de wàipó (wàipó) yě zài běijīng. Tāmen chángcháng (chángcháng, often) qù wàipó jiā, tāmen hěn ài wàipó.

Ding Li Bo is a Canadian student. His family has five people: father, mother, brother, brother and him. His mother surnamed Ding, called Ding Yun, is Chinese. His father is called Cubo, a Canadian. At that time, Ding Yun learned English (Yingyǔ, English), Gu waves learned Chinese 0 Now Ding Yun and Gu Pu are both Chinese professors . They have three boys (háizi), no girls. Now Dingli Bo and his brother and brother are all in Beijing. Ding Li-po is a student at the Language Institute where he studies Chinese. He likes language school very much. The language college is not too big, there are twelve lines. There are one hundred Chinese teachers in the Chinese department, all of whom are foreigners. Foreign language students are Chinese, foreign language department has a lot of foreign teachers. Ding Lippo's Chinese friends are all foreign language students. Dingli Bo's brother studied history major, and his brother's specialty is ing. Their grandmother (wàipó) is also in Beijing. They often go to grandmothers, they love grandma.

名片 (Business card)


Business card - I Ching philosophy    


What do you learn (学习-Xuéxí)? (V.10)

第十课:我在这儿买光盘 (Lesson 10: I am here to buy a CD)

光盘  CD
商场the mall
give away

老板, 多少钱?Laoban, duo shao qian? How much is the boss?
老板娘,多少钱?Laoban niang, duo shao qian?Boss, how much?
Laoban Li zong (zongcai总裁)
请问,要买什么?qingwen, yao mai shenmeExcuse me, what to buy?
有什么可以帮忙吗?You shenme keyi bangmang ma? (F)What can I do to help?

就这样。 谢谢,再见!

What do you learn (学习-Xuéxí)? (V.9)

Juzi sentences

我尊重你wo zunzhong ni

Qingwen, nin gui xing?



过世了guo shi le /去世了Qu shi le

Yeye爷爷, nainai奶奶

外公wai gong,外婆 wai po

爸爸Baba/父亲fuqin, 妈妈mama/母亲muqin

退休了tui xiu le

da ge ,二哥 er ge,三哥san ge

大姐Da jie, 二姐erjie ,三姐san jie