阅读理解 (Yuèdú lǐjiě) reading comprehension [V.3]

宋华是经济(jingji)系的学生,北京人,1982年出生。今年十月二十 七日是他二十岁的生日。星期天下午,他的好朋友们有一个聚会,王小 云、林娜、丁力波和马大为都来祝贺他的生日。他们在北京烤鸭店 (diàn, store)吃烤鸭和寿面,喝红葡萄酒。朋友们祝宋华生日快乐,宋 华非常高兴。 林娜的生日是十一月十二号。宋华说那天他们再来吃寿面和烤鸭

Sòng huá shì jīngjì (jingji) xì de xuéshēng, běijīng rén,1982 nián chūshēng. Jīnnián shí yuè èrshíqī rì shì tā èrshí suì de shēngrì. Xīngqítiān xiàwǔ, tā de hǎo péngyǒumen yǒu yīgè jùhuì, wángxiǎoyún, línnà, dīnglì bō hé mǎ dà wéi dōu lái zhùhè tā de shēngrì. Tāmen zài běijīng kǎoyā diàn (diàn, store) chī kǎoyā héshòu miàn, hē hóng pútáojiǔ. Péngyǒumen zhù sòng huá shēngrì kuàilè, sòng huá fēicháng gāoxìng. Línnà de shēngrì shì shíyī yuè shí'èr hào. Sòng huá shuō nèitiān tāmen zàilái chī shòu miàn hé kǎoyā

Song Hua is a student of the Department of Economics, Beijing, born in 1982. October 27 this year is his twentieth birthday. On Sunday afternoon, his best friends had a party. Wang Xiaoyun, Lin Na, Ding Li Bo and Ma Dawei both congratulated him on his birthday. They eat roast duck and life noodles and drink red wine in the Beijing duck restaurant. Friends wish Song Hua happy birthday, Song Hua very happy. Linna's birthday is November 12th. Song Hua said that day they eat pasta and roast duck


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