阅读理解 (Yuèdú lǐjiě) reading comprehension [V.4]

马大为星期天常常跟林娜去商场。那个商场很大,东西(dōngxi. things)也很多。他们在那儿买音乐光盘,王小云也在。马大为喜欢中国音 乐。他问王小云,什么音乐光盘好?王小云说《梁祝》很有名,外国朋友也 喜欢。马大为很高兴,说:"好,我买这张光盘,"马大为还要买书和报,这 个商场不卖(mai )书,也不卖报。他跟王小云去买本子和笔(bD4 马大为还常常去书店(shūdiàn)。那个书店也很大,书很多。他在书店 买书,也看书。中国书不贵。下月二十号是他弟弟的生日。他弟弟喜欢中 国功夫(gongfu),马大为要送弟弟一本《中国功夫》

Mǎ dà wéi xīngqítiān chángcháng gēn línnà qù shāngchǎng. Nàgè shāngchǎng hěn dà, dōngxī (dōngxi. Things) yě hěnduō. Tāmen zài nà'er mǎi yīnyuè guāngpán, wángxiǎoyún yě zài. Mǎ dà wéi xǐhuān zhōngguó yīn lè. Tā wèn wángxiǎoyún, shénme yīnyuè guāngpán hǎo? Wángxiǎoyún shuō “liángzhù” hěn yǒumíng, wàiguó péngyǒu yě xǐhuān. Mǎ dà wéi hěn gāoxìng, shuō:"Hǎo, wǒ mǎi zhè zhāng guāngpán,"mǎ dà wéi hái yāomǎishū hé bào, zhè gè shāngchǎng bù mài (mai) shū, yě bù mài bào. Tā gēn wángxiǎoyún qù mǎi běnzi hé bǐ (bD4 mǎ dà wéi hái chángcháng qù shūdiàn (shūdiàn). Nàgè shūdiàn yě hěn dà, shū hěnduō. Tā zài shūdiàn mǎi shū, yě kànshū. Zhōngguó shū bù guì. Xià yuè èrshí hào shì tā dìdì de shēngrì. Tā dìdì xǐhuān zhōngguó gōngfū (gongfu), mǎ dà wéi yào sòng dìdì yī běn “zhōngguó gōngfū”

Ma Sunday is often with Lin Na to the mall. That mall is large, things (dōngxi. Things) are also many. Where they buy music CD, Wang Xiaoyun also. Ma Da likes Chinese music. He asked Wang Xiaoyun, what music CD is good? Wang Xiaoyun said that "Liangzhu" is famous, and foreign friends also like it. MA was very happy and said: "Well, I bought this CD," Ma also want to buy books and newspapers, the mall does not sell (mai) books, nor sell newspapers. He and Wang Xiaoyun to buy the book and pen .This bookstore is also large, a lot of books.He bought a book in the bookstore, but also read a book.Chinese book is not expensive.The next month on the 20th is his Brother's birthday.His brother likes China's Gongfu (gongfu), MaDa want to send his brother a "Chinese Kung Fu"


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